Harry’s story

I came to the UK aged 3 and have had my fair share of challenges. I struggled with education since I spoke very little English, it not being my first language. As a result, fitting in at school and the community wasn’t easy. However, through perseverance and commitment, I started to succeed and overcame challenges that I didn’t fully understand at the time.

I had to work hard to gain an Honours degree in Chemistry which was very challenging and I only latterly came to understand the reason why. I had gone through the whole education system without anyone realising that I was dyslexic, instead I was often branded as being slow, thick or difficult.

It was only by chance when I heard a programme on Dyslexia, in the early years when it was just starting to become recognised, that I thought, “Wow, that’s me”. The penny dropped and I realised why I had struggled all my life, and more importantly, that I had found ways to compensate for it without even realising I had it.

This has made me the person I am today; whenever I hit a conventional block, my mind resorts to creative and unusual solutions to get around it. Labels that other people give us should never define who we are or the lives we can lead or who we can become.

As a result, I never assume to know someone until I really understand them, their needs and their challenges, always accepting them just the way they are.

I’ve also experienced many of the other challenges of being human - relationships, sexuality, divorce, race, faith - it’s given me a rich, deep and diverse tapestry of understanding.

We are all different but we all have a common thread that runs through us; we just want to live, be happy and accepted for being ourselves.

As a result of my own difficulties, I love to champion the underdog, the person who is against the wall, the one who follows an unconventional path, since this is what I have had to do all my life.  This is why I have a passion to help entrepreneurs and start-ups.

Today, I am an business owner, Industrial Chemist, salesman, manager, massage therapist and property developer, building a portfolio of skills and interests that generate a sustained income for me.

Yet, after 33 years of creating and living this life, I still didn’t really know what I wanted to be when I “grew up”. As I continued my search, my love of helping people led me to my passion when I discovered the power of coaching. Actually, it turns out I’ve informally done it all my life as part of what I do to help people.

With this powerful realisation, I trained and qualified in Personal Transformation Coaching with Animas Centre for Coaching, one of the UK’s leading coaching schools, accredited by the globally recognised International Coach Federation (ICF), bringing together my life experiences and knowledge to help others face their challenges.

I do what I do for two reasons; I love a challenge and because I want to be the best I can be! Looking back, I realise I have asked myself, “Is this all there is?” all my life. This passion I have comes from not wanting to wake up one day and say I wish I had lived the life I wanted.

I coach others to remove the challenges that will help them achieve their dreams, be the best they can be and for the life they really want. Don’t be afraid to be you!

Do you have a challenge and want to make an impactful change?